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The Active Ageing app

applications   -   telehealth / AI   -   funded projects

Between 2015 and 2017, we had the opportunity to develop and test a web application to support diabetes patients’ self-management abilities. The app was developed in collaboration with the software house Touchware and within the framework of the research project “Positive Technology and Healthy Ageing”, PI Giuseppe Riva, funded by Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Milan.


The app was tested by a group of senior persons with diabetes, thanks to the collaboration with San Raffaele Hospital, Milano and the diabetes outpatient clinic in Pinerolo.


The project produced the following publications:


Caretto, A., Rossi, M.G., Laurenzi, A., Triberti, S., Gandolfi, A., Barrasso, M., Molinari, C., Bolla, A.M., Bosi, E., Bigi, S., Scavini, M., Dozio, N. (2018). Abstract: The ‘‘Active Ageing’’ app: preliminary usability evaluation of a mobile application for diabetes self-management. The Official Journal of ATTD Advanced Technologies & Treatments for Diabetes Conference Austria, Vienna-February 14-17, 2018, Diabetes Technology and Therapeutics, 20, Suppl. 1, p. A-116.


Triberti, S., Bigi, S., Rossi, M.G., Caretto, A., Laurenzi, A., Dozio, N., Scavini, M., Pergolizzi, P., Ozzello, A., Serino, S., e Riva, G. (2018). The ActiveAgeing Mobile App for Diabetes Self-Management: first adherence data and analysis of patients’ in-app notes, in P. Cipresso, S. Serino, Y. Ostrovsky, J. Baker (ed.). Pervasive Computing Paradigms for Mental Health. Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, vol 253. Cham: Springer, pp. 1–10.


Rossi, M.G., & Bigi, S. (2017). mHealth for diabetes support: a systematic review of apps available on the Italian market. mHealth, 3/16. doi: 10.21037/mhealth.2017.04.06. eCollection 2017.


Rossi, M.G. & Bigi, S. (2016). Weak educational components in mHealth devices for diabetes support available on the Italian market. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, pp. 1199-1200.


Bigi, S. & Rossi, M.G. (2015). ICTs for the medical profession: An application in chronic care. In Riboni, G. & Heaney, D. (eds.). Language, Discourse and Action in Professional Practice. ALAPP 2015 Pre-Conference Proceedings. Milano: Dipartimento di Scienze della Mediazione Linguistica e di Studi Culturali, pp. 26-27.

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