applications - dissemination - ongoing collaborations
The HRLab contributes to WG3 within the COST Action “APPLY - The European network for Argumentation and Public Policy analysis”, aimed at improving the way European citizens understand, evaluate and contribute to public decision-making on such matters of common concern as climate change or energy policies.
Addressing this need from a multidisciplinary perspective on argumentation, the APPLY Action identifies gaps between the citizens’, policymakers’ and scholarly experts’ argumentation, and explores ways of treating them.
HRLab has contributed to WG3 during the following meetings:
- S. Bigi, Medical argumentation at the crossroads between pragmatics and argumentation theory, Cagliari APPLY Training School: Argumentation and Pragmatics, University of Cagliari, 19-21 September, 2022.
- S. Bigi, Finding pathways to bring ‘argumentative awareness’ in the public debate, “Argument technologies and public debate: the design perspective”, Rome, 29 September – 1 October 2021.
- S. Bigi, Fostering public debate about health communication and knowledge translation in the health sector, “Public arguments in the wild: analyzing concrete instances of public argument and practices for organizing public deliberation”, Vilnius, 10-11 October 2019.